Research Journals

Music for writing

Writuals for Writing:

scents, sounds, objects - to help get into the zone

Waves – the art of deconcealment

This text is my first attempt to reflect some of the issues arising from the two Waves exhibitions. The exhibitions in Riga (2006) and Dortmund (2008) were conceived as research projects. By looking at waves as "a principle material and medium of art" the exhibitions were made with an outlook on building a bottom-up, materialist theory of media art.

/tmp/lab announces the second Hacker Space Festival

Hacker Space Festival 2009 | Call For Proposals | HSF2009

In 2008, we organized HSF[1] on the spot, as an ad-hoc meeting for
hackerspaces-related networks, technical and artistic research emerging
from them and social questionning arising from them. This sudden
experiment proved to be a huge success, as much as on the
self-organizing level as on the participants and meetings quality, as
well as the emotionally-charged ambient, the kind of which you make
fond memories.

The 2008 edition generated a strong emulation in France, from its

Call for Papers: 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts

Riga based initiative e-text+textiles is pleased to announce that the 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts will take place in Riga in June 2010. Deadline for abstract submissions: 16 August 2009,

Sassen on the end of financial Capitalism

In this article, Saskia Sassen argues that the financial system is too big to be saved.
The sociologist who coined the term Global City in the early 1990s, demands decinancialisation rather than burning more money, by trying to save the financial system. Interesting read and historically illuminating.

Creative Cities Pressespiegel

Eine Zusammenstellung von Online verfügbaren Artikeln über die Konferenz "Creative Cities - das Versprechen der kreativen Ökonomie", ebenso wie von Interviews mit Teilnehmern, die im Kontext der Konferenz aufgezeichnet wurden.

Aileen Derig on Creative Cities

Aileen Derig, based in Linz and contributor to the Furtherfield blog, has written a short statement on the creative cities conference. Thanks Aileen.

Creative Cities auf

Nur wenige Tage nach der Konferenz "Creative Cities - das Versprechen der kreativen Ökonomie" veröffentlichte der Festivalblog "" Interviews mit Konferenzteilnehmern Diedrich Diederichsen, Maurizio Lazzarato und Jaime Stapleton.

Geert Lovink: Critique of the Creative Industries Event in Vienna

Geert Lovink, a participant of the conference on "Creative Cities - das Versprechen der kreativen Ökonomie", took the time to write up his notes on his blog at the website of the Institute of Network Culture.

Creative Cities Bilder

Bilder von der Creative Cities Konferenz, von Beate Firlinger

Alle Bilder auf Flickr

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