
Radiokolleg - Braucht Medienkunst eine Geschichte?

In dieser Sendung folgt Armin Medosch den Windungen der Doppelhelix aus Geschichten der Medienkunst und der Geschichte der Medien im sozialhistorischen Kontext.

Radiokolleg - Kommunikation statt Kommando? Arbeitsbilder im Postfordismus

Das vierteilige Radiokolleg -"Kommunikation statt Kommando? Arbeitsbilder im Postfordismus" beschäftigte sich mit den seit einigen Jahrzehnten vor sich gehenden Umbrüchen in der Arbeitswelt seit der Krise und dem Ende des Fordismus. Freundlicherweise und ausnahmsweise hat der ORF die Links zu den Sendungen bereitgestellt.

Creative Cities: Radio Stream

Das Programm Creative Cities, das Versprechen der kreativen Ökonomie, gestaltet von Ina Zwerger und Armin Medosch, in der ORF, Ö1 Sendung Radiokolleg, lief in der letzten Märzwoche 2009 und dient der Kontextualisierung der gleichnahmigen Konferenz. Sie finden hier die Links zu Streams mit den vier Sendungen.

Where the Radio Stops, the Music Begins

Where the Radio Stops,

In 1895, Breuer and Freud published Studies on Hysteria, a seminal account of the development of the first scientific method for analysing the realities of the human mind, which suggested a new way of making inferences from the symbolic forms created in dreams using techniques such as free-association. This same year also saw the development of one of the first motion picture cameras by the Lumiere Brothers. The Cinematograph, a device that acted as a camera, developer and a projector, had its first public demonstration in the form of a twelve-film screening in Paris. The Cinematograph not only pipped Thomas Edison’s Kinetoscope to the post as the first publicised machine to enable a ‘cinematic’ event, but also hailed the start of an era of innovative communication, story telling and recording of realities.

“A Hush Descended on the City…”: Hidden Histories and Radio Remembrance

Is Hidden Histories a micro-FM station, a sound installation, an audio tour, or a local history trail? Perhaps it is none of the above, or perhaps all four. The existence of such a project in some ways exposes the lack of a critical sound-based vocabulary, especially when attempting to portray particular instances of the convergence of oral history and electronic media in their distinctiveness and social context.

Hidden Histories / Street Radio

In this book articles and essays get collected reflecting on projects such as Hidden Histories / Street Radio and other projects in that area.

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