Hive Networks

“A Hush Descended on the City…”: Hidden Histories and Radio Remembrance

Is Hidden Histories a micro-FM station, a sound installation, an audio tour, or a local history trail? Perhaps it is none of the above, or perhaps all four. The existence of such a project in some ways exposes the lack of a critical sound-based vocabulary, especially when attempting to portray particular instances of the convergence of oral history and electronic media in their distinctiveness and social context.

Hidden Histories / Street Radio

In this book articles and essays get collected reflecting on projects such as Hidden Histories / Street Radio and other projects in that area.

Hidden Histories -Review on

We have been reviewed by neural it

I particularly like the last part of the article where it says:

"The Street Radio project can then be interpreted as the nth disproof of the short-sighted forecast stating that oral tradition would have been wiped out by the computer society. Today we can notice an emergent new form of orality that should be defined as a "tertiary", in the School of Toronto tradition, that taught us to consider the electronic-era orality as a secondary one."

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