media art
Paradigm Changes in Media Art: Research Project Description (Abstract, long version)
This research investigates media art through practice based and theoretic research. At the centre of this investigation are seminal exhibitions in the history of media art as well as my own curatorial practice. The thesis proposes that paradigm shifts in media art and society are closely linked and that studying those paradigm shifts through the chosen exhibitions provides insights into the interlocking dynamics of art, technology and social change.
Technological Determinism in Media Art (republished)
The most influential discourse on media art up to and around 1995 uncritically based itself on techno-science and the techno-imaginary which it creates. It offers a technologically deterministic interpretation of the relationship between societies and social change. This discourse was successful in institution building and is still very influential today, even though its foundations can shown to be problematic. This is the essence of my 2005 MA thesis on "Technological Determinism in Media Art" which I republish here due to difficulties with my old site.
Lovink on Media Art
As promised, Geert's chapter on media art from his book Zero Commments. I think some of points are valid, although on the whole the critique is too sweeping and presents a one sided picture of what media art is. Leaving all the critical threads out and then saying its all too conformistic if obviously a polemical move. My final opinion I have not been able to formulate as I feel I can currently not write an opinionated article. I would rather do more research and then write something well founded which does not need to be polemical to be convincing.