Medosch A. Kreative Milieus. In: Vergessene Zukunft: Radikale Netzkulturen in Europa. Bielefeld: Transcript; 2012. p. 19-26.
Medosch A. Automation, Cybernation and the Art of New Tendencies (1961-1973). London: Goldsmiths, University of London; 2012.
Medosch A, Mey K, Šmite R, Šmits R. Energy. Vol 8. Medosch A, Mey K, Šmite R, Šmits R, editors. Riga and Liepaja: RIXC & MPLab of Liepaja University; 2011.
Medosch A, Šmite R, Šmits R. Networks and Sustainability. Vol 10. Šmite R, Medosch A, Šmits R, editors. Riga and Liepaja: RIXC & MPLab of Liepaja University; 2011. (Acoustic Space; vol 10).
Medosch A. 45 RPM.- 45 revoluçoes por minuto (historia da midia em alta velocidade). In: Mediações, Tecnologia e Espaço Público: Panorama Crítico da Arte em Mídias Móveis. Sao Paulo: Conrad Do Brasil; 2010. p. 99-118. Abstract
Medosch A. 45 Revolutionen per Minute. In: Was tun: Figuren des Protests : Taktiken des Widerstands : ein Reader des Faestivals Basics, Medien-Kunst-Gesellschaft. Salzburg and Vienna: Müry Salzmann; 2010. p. 12-27.
Medosch A. Situating Nodes and Narratives: Hidden Histories/Street Radio. In: Node.London Reader II. Vol 2. London: Mute Publishing Ltd; 2009. p. 95-106. (Node.London; vol 2).