Research Journals

paid in full

for the open media economy discussion possible re-edit of "paid in full", see & & - maybe also text from andrea rota on creative commons & from jamie king on steal this film /

the next layer research day from praxi to taxi

the following documentation & texts needs to be edited for the Node.L reader

The Brentford Biopsy

The Brentford Biopsy

Skeleton for the NODE.London reader 08

Reader 2008 list

preface Mia Jankowicz Adnan Hadzi Anna Colin re NODE.London
intro Julie Freeman - the powerpoint/introduction

1 Disclosures
2 OK2
3 General NODE.London

Matthew Fuller Usman Haque
Shaina Anand
Petra Bauer
Toni Prug
Critical Practice notes
Ashok Sukumaran

Saul Albert - awaiting response
Armin - text is linked into research journal, see
Jamie - awaiting response
Jonas & Jonathan Gray, OKFoundation - post event documentation OKCon - awaiting response


Lost Music

My research today took a poetic wander. In thinking about the electromagnetic environment and how 'on land' we are submerged in modulated mumblings, my thoughts turned to the electromagnetically silent world of the deep, a world where radio and light don't penetrate, a world that can only be felt through other senses; the skin, the emotions, sound. Today I started looking at the Titanic.

Some nights, the roo

Two solitary campers in the dunes at Antechamber Bay, our first night on the island. The moon is brightful overhead when I'm ripped from my dreams by the presence and weight of a kangaroo on me. A giant roo, so heavy, squashing. I lie with stillness for a long time. When I eventually drag myself up out of my canvas cocoon I can't see him, he's dissolved into the sheltering scrub. Disappointed, relieved, I burrow back into sleep. In the morning Robyn reports her encounter with a wombat when she ventured out for a midnight jish. But this was no wombat sitting on me, it was kangaroo. Something about that heavy tail, those thumper bumper feet, the sweet grassy breath.

The Criminal in the Academy: best essay title on practice-based

As I am wrangling with my frakking thesis development, I found this PDF
Position Papers on Practice-Based Research:

There The Criminal in the Academy:Practice Based Research as a Form of Theft. deserves title of the year award.

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