Skeleton for the NODE.London reader 08

Reader 2008 list

preface Mia Jankowicz Adnan Hadzi Anna Colin re NODE.London
intro Julie Freeman - the powerpoint/introduction

1 Disclosures
2 OK2
3 General NODE.London

Matthew Fuller Usman Haque
Shaina Anand
Petra Bauer
Toni Prug
Critical Practice notes
Ashok Sukumaran

Saul Albert - awaiting response
Armin - text is linked into research journal, see
Jamie - awaiting response
Jonas & Jonathan Gray, OKFoundation - post event documentation OKCon - awaiting response

General NODE.London responses to call/open media economics
economic discussion around sharealike attribution of CC and the myth of 'noncommercial' contributions- text is linked into research journal
Ruth - new text expanding on What Did Openness Mean to NODE.London
Jenny from reBoot/Area10: would like to contribute
Alex Haw - visual documention from Hurry Up Please, It's TIME? - get text? - AH awaiting response, will remind by 9/8/8
Ilze Black - Brentford Biopsy documentation -
Max FILMOBILE - text from their event

Will be published under the CC sharealike attribution licence.
author attributed if republished/reconfigured, must be done so under the same licence

Next Meeting
10am Monday, 8th Sep, Adnan's house