Node London Reader 2008 Working Group

Node London 2008 Work Group Mission Statement

Image: Example

Nodel skeleton II

node.l reader skeleton II

intro (ed. team Mia, Anna, Armin, Jonas, Adnan)

"node.l economics" by julie freeman - (Adnan)
"a few notes on the present" by ashok (draft contributed Mia)
"why open and not free" by tony prug (contributed but need to clarify cc-sa-by/gpl) (Mia)
?"" shaina? (if at all or someone else / Mia)
"paid in full" by armin & jonas (Jonas)
?"whose economy, which sustainability?" andrea & adnan (Adnan)
"Urban Versioning System 1.0.1 (super-mini-special)" by matthew fuller & usman haque (contributed Mia)
"future of node.l" by ruth catlow (Adnan)

A few notes on the present (work in progress)

The emancipatory potential of networks has proven false: in domains from social networks to communications to infrastructure to "hypertext", to thought, we find networks leading to the hardening of relationships, the insulation of dreams, the extension of modes of exploitation. Networks operate via a "tyrrany of nodes", they privilege "peers", or consumers, people like us. They end up recuperating and formalising: reifying, what is already known, already present.

Urban Versioning System 1.0.1 (super-mini-special)

Urban Versioning System 1.0.1 (super-mini-special)

By Matthew Fuller and Usman Haque

2,367 words


The production of structures to articulate, produce and protect space, often coded under the disciplinary term 'architecture' is arguably one of humanity's oldest activities. Countless technologies and legal frameworks have grown along with this process. Formerly one of the most collaborative endeavours, architecture now often functions in opposition to such collaboration.

Why Open and Not Free (Toni Prug)

Mia has now provided a proofed version of Toni's text. Now, Toni must look through these proposed changes before we can go ahead. Please see the attached Word Document.

// Jonas

-------[PREVIOUS MESSAGE]----------------------------

This post and the post below are the two texts sent to us by Toni. The below wasn't recommended for academic publication but maybe has an other role. The first post has been well received in academic and other contexts. Neither has been published. We'll need to decide which to use.

See attachment.

Free Software (Toni Prug)

See attached pdf.

paid in full

for the open media economy discussion possible re-edit of "paid in full", see & & - maybe also text from andrea rota on creative commons & from jamie king on steal this film /

the next layer research day from praxi to taxi

the following documentation & texts needs to be edited for the Node.L reader

The Brentford Biopsy

The Brentford Biopsy

Skeleton for the NODE.London reader 08

Reader 2008 list

preface Mia Jankowicz Adnan Hadzi Anna Colin re NODE.London
intro Julie Freeman - the powerpoint/introduction

1 Disclosures
2 OK2
3 General NODE.London

Matthew Fuller Usman Haque
Shaina Anand
Petra Bauer
Toni Prug
Critical Practice notes
Ashok Sukumaran

Saul Albert - awaiting response
Armin - text is linked into research journal, see
Jamie - awaiting response
Jonas & Jonathan Gray, OKFoundation - post event documentation OKCon - awaiting response


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