
Stress Test for Regulation Theory

On 8th and 9th of July 2010 I attended the conference "Regulationstheorie in der Krise" (Regulation theory in the era of crisis) jointly organised by the University of Vienna and the Renner Institute (political academy of the Austrian Social Democratic Party, SPOE). The title transports a double meaning, it refers to the crisis of regulation theory as well as to what has regulation theory to say about the current crisis? I do not claim to be an expert in economics and I am also a newbie to the regulation approach. However, I found this conference very interesting and thought provoking, so I try a summary in English.

Course proposal: Four Pathways Through Chaos

Here I want to lay out the elements of a coordinated research-education-writing proposal and submit them to the critique of anyone who cares, in order to hopefully find some partners for the implementation and realization of what could be a new and more socially significant way of learning and producing cultural/intellectual content. Let me know what you think! - BH


Sassen on the end of financial Capitalism

In this article, Saskia Sassen argues that the financial system is too big to be saved.
The sociologist who coined the term Global City in the early 1990s, demands decinancialisation rather than burning more money, by trying to save the financial system. Interesting read and historically illuminating.

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