The Next Layer is a collaborative environment combining open source, experimental and artistic research methodologies.

Stress Test for Regulation Theory

On 8th and 9th of July 2010 I attended the conference "Regulationstheorie in der Krise" (Regulation theory in the era of crisis) jointly organised by the University of Vienna and the Renner Institute (political academy of the Austrian Social Democratic Party, SPOE). The title transports a double meaning, it refers to the crisis of regulation theory as well as to what has regulation theory to say about the current crisis? I do not claim to be an expert in economics and I am also a newbie to the regulation approach. However, I found this conference very interesting and thought provoking, so I try a summary in English.

Radiokolleg - Kommunikation statt Kommando? Arbeitsbilder im Postfordismus

Das vierteilige Radiokolleg -"Kommunikation statt Kommando? Arbeitsbilder im Postfordismus" beschäftigte sich mit den seit einigen Jahrzehnten vor sich gehenden Umbrüchen in der Arbeitswelt seit der Krise und dem Ende des Fordismus. Freundlicherweise und ausnahmsweise hat der ORF die Links zu den Sendungen bereitgestellt.

Research Matrix: Technopolitics

Diagram: Research Matrix Technopolitics; the terms slightly deviate from the outline for reasons of length and readability

Research Matrix: Technopolitics

The Gap Between Now and Then - on the conservation of memory

Let’s play hide-and-seek with future generations. We hide. The seeker is not among us yet. He or she lives in another era, a time yet to come. We don’t know if he or she will be a finder. We are not even sure we want or need to be found. We might simply just jump from our lair one day, reveal ourselves, unexpectedly, to win the game.

Paradigm Changes in Media Art: Research Project Description (Abstract, long version)

This research investigates media art through practice based and theoretic research. At the centre of this investigation are seminal exhibitions in the history of media art as well as my own curatorial practice. The thesis proposes that paradigm shifts in media art and society are closely linked and that studying those paradigm shifts through the chosen exhibitions provides insights into the interlocking dynamics of art, technology and social change.

Reading the Digital City: New political technologies in the Network Society

At the beginning of the 1990s, the proclaimed crisis of the city marked a general crisis of governance: the discussion about the supposed “decline of cities” was characterised by a controversial debate about a possible loss of control. Paradoxically, all hopes have been pinned on those technologies that were held accountable for the dissolution of the urban space. That’s because, as in similar techno-utopias before, cyberspace was considered to be constructable and, therefore, controllable.

Three frames from the life and death of Jean Charles de Menezes

This article is a theoretical inquiry about the death of the Brazilian citizen Jean Charles de Menezes, shot in London at Stockwell tube station on 22 July 2005 by unknown specialist firearms’ officers. The previous day some stations of the Tube were struck by failed bombing attacks. The police were chasing four suspects. Some hours after the murder, de Menezes was discovered to be innocent and not involved in the terrorist act.

Section 8 of this article include a short addendum "False Positives".

Diagram: Techno-economic and artistic paradigms in the 20th century

This diagram is rendered by graphviz using the dot language. It tries to reflect key elements of the dominant paradigms in the 20th century regarding accumulation regimes, developmental models, political constellations, scientific breakthroughs, artistic movements and social movements. The current version is still experimental and not very strict in its interpretation of the model, which means that the diagram is imperfect on one hand anyway, but also has deliberately avoided becoming too linear, i.e. certain new terms are brought in while others get dropped.

Diagram: Techno-economic and artistic paradigms in the 20th century

Four Pathways - first results

The first full seminar of the series "Four Pathways through Chaos" was held in Toronto on May 1-2, under the auspices of the European Graduate School, with about 10 students attending. It was a great success, very interesting! And very directly related to the research into Technopolitics. What I did was to transform the Introduction on methodology and the lectures on Assembly-Line Mass Production into stand-alone PDFs, consisting mainly of quotes from books accompanied by images and transitional comments.

Kaidan Yuki Jorou (screen shot)

Kaidan Yuki Jorou (screen shot)
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