Notes on the theory-practice problem of practice-led PhDs
This is a relatively short mental note to myself, an attempt to address a basic methodological issue which I have been thinking about while reading economic and political theory over the past few days. I don't mean to address all the issues relating to practice-led PhDs. This is also not specifically about my own work, although I am affected by it. The problem which poses myself in renewed urgency is as follows.
hello on a rainy sat morning in vienna,
as you may have noticed i did an upgrade yesterday, which was 3 hours of cold sweat but succeeded in the end. pictures now also can be edited again with all the tags, etc.
some further small improvements have been made:
pictures can now be posted also in groups, which means that if the right group is chosen and public uncheckled the image is only visible for logged in group members.
Bruno Latour's greatest hits vol III
maybe it is neighbourly to share the fruits of some of the grunt labour we do as students...the typing up of notes from books .. in the hope that we can weave some of these notes from big brains and minor poets through our own writings ..or use them to generate new trains of thoughts and aesthetic experiments
in that spirit i hereby post the few quotes i got from latour today ..honestly i find his theory hard, but sometimes i think its ok to skate around theory, and interpret it in your own way ... he has a nice turn of phrase anyway...
My chapter outline (attached)
i have never done a detailed chapter breakdown
so all i have is this big-picture guide (which changes every year or so), and then the detailed chapter contents i do (and keep changing), as write up each chapter
i have posted a page of typical feedback from my principal supervisor -- sometimes he will email me 3 or 4 pages of typed notes ..othertimes ..if i am in sydney (where my uni is) we meet and he gives me hand written notes as marginalia on a print out of my chapter ..these seem legible when we talk thru them..but once i return to adelaide i realise i can't read his handwriting!
Disorderly Methodologies
Responding to something that Doll wrote
Lindsay I also feel *my* work doesn't make an easy fit into TNL compared to what you and Armin and some others post, because your writings are well-argued and/or intrigueingly speculative whereas a lot of what i am putting up is more rambly and thought processes scrawled as they come to me, as i am afraid that if i dont write everything, and repeat my ideas in different ways within the 1 text a number of times, i will lose what few idea kernels that i have in the thesis fog that surrounds me
welcoming ms.static to frolic on the uncommons
hello all
we once were 3, and now at armin's good suggestion, we are 4
welcome ms.static, sound artist and artist thinker, whom i first met (i think) in the desert in central australia, at dancer/choreographer Tess de Quincy's magical 2-3 week workshop Triple Alice (a great research model in fact and perhaps something of interest given armin's desire to do moe reseaerchy workshop events)