
hello on a rainy sat morning in vienna,

as you may have noticed i did an upgrade yesterday, which was 3 hours of cold sweat but succeeded in the end. pictures now also can be edited again with all the tags, etc.

some further small improvements have been made:
pictures can now be posted also in groups, which means that if the right group is chosen and public uncheckled the image is only visible for logged in group members.

I have got featuritis and have installed a calendar. from within group uncommons for example you can create an entry about an event and it will show on a calendar. small bug: it does not recognise the hours so far and says all day when it shouldnt. there is a new button in the top navigation bar called 'events' which takes you there.

the calendar itself is a generic tool and can be used in other ways to, for instance to show postings according to their timestamps.

I renamed the PACT group into Peer Preview and maybe we can run those in parallel until more users form their own group.

Regarding Uncommons there seems to be consensus to ask adnan to join only ms.static has so far not given her ok.

Below find a list of further things I have on my mind, some also relating to groups and how to make this collaborative effort more visible and also easier.


Drupal Development Notes

Start process of redesign which inlcudes functional overhaul of the site - migration to drupal6 - and redesign.

Set up for multisite hosting to run from the same database, to have, without replication of db and of files another instance of tnl under for example: (necessary to show redesign in progress, enables seemless switchover)

Create, without creating a new content type, an intelligent way of linking biblio nodes with research journal entries consisting of notes.

make event calendar so that when clicking on a date field you can enter information on a new event. make it wiki style (changeable).

Find out how to attach audio and biblio notes to wavesworks and wavesartists nodes.
Find out how to create special page layout for databaselook wavesarchive

Find out how to automate views for each researcher to have their work grouped in meaningful ways on their 'homepage'. /home/armin

make home/page as alternative to profile and try to draw everything together.

create area "thesis in progress" with list of researchers and list of thesises and optional abstract.

Find out how to work with views more to make dependencies visible, to eventually manage all related links, files, media via views.

Or try the same using panels and panel views for groups.
try using panel views to show all attachements in discussion group.

Make current homepage work much harder. reduce number of links, create balance between public functionality and user/subsrciber usability; use interface elements such as scrolllists and calendar to display postings.


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welcoming adnan

so maybe we should welcome adnan then. I have seen he is member of the group but does not appear to have logged on recently.

btw. each biblio node does already have its individual url. i have upgraded the form for research journal entries and you can enter related biblio's (by remembering the title, starting typing it and then selecting from autocomplete list). this works, but it does not display it the way I like.

however, you are right, it is a lot of things and as i said i need to kickstart my research rather than wasting days trying to innovate tnl.

the bigger problem in the long term however is not developing new stuff, but having no one to cover when i go away on a holiday. sometimes the database topples over, no big deal, just a restart, this and other things need some attention occasionally. yet currently we are fine with the upgrade ...

well done!

hi armin

congratulations on the technical work undertaken, without a hitch!
and the To Do list looks impressively long...
maybe you need to prioritise this list...otherwise it cd be daunting if u r the sole coder...?

re: Create, without creating a new content type, an intelligent way of linking biblio nodes with research journal entries consisting of notes.
does each indiv biblio note have its own unique url... i guess this would be clunky anyway...

re uncommons..i think i have added adnan