We propose to develop a cooperative, open-content research format that will facilitate a detailed theoretical debate on the historical relations between technological and political transformations, culminating in studies of the present crisis of "informationalism" or the "network society." Building on existing concepts of the technological paradigm, we seek to enlarge the current horizons of research by establishing a chronological framework to track developments in the arts and the communications media as well as changing patterns of consumption, circulation, self-organization and political mobilization. The resulting more broadly integrated model of technopolitics will allow individual researchers to develop their own applications of shared concepts and resources, thus contributing to an informational commons and an enriched public sphere.
Notes on Bourdieu filtered by Robbins
Knowing well about the problematic of publishing notes, unfinished forms of writing, in a very early stage, I am publishing here an excerpt of thoughts that I had when reading up on Pierre Bourdieu's theories on art, filtered by a quite concise presentation by Derek Robbins.
FAULT LINES & SUBDUCTION ZONES: The Slow-Motion Crisis of Global Capital
The housing-price collapse of 2008, the credit crunch, the bank failures, the downswing of the world economy, the fiscal crisis of the sovereign states, all have been expressed as wild gyrations in the global circulation of information, attention, emotion. Everything undergoes tremendous acceleration at the crucial moments, before the wave recedes into a blur.
Four Fields (Fordism)
These are attempts to create a narrative image of the four fields during a specific period (Fordism in this case), to be used as visual supports for a lecture.
The animated gif doesn't seem to work unless you click on the attachment.
Actually I wanted this to fit into the Book of "Narratives" just as a kind of note or whatever, but I don't quite know how to do it....
Stress Test for Regulation Theory
On 8th and 9th of July 2010 I attended the conference "Regulationstheorie in der Krise" (Regulation theory in the era of crisis) jointly organised by the University of Vienna and the Renner Institute (political academy of the Austrian Social Democratic Party, SPOE). The title transports a double meaning, it refers to the crisis of regulation theory as well as to what has regulation theory to say about the current crisis? I do not claim to be an expert in economics and I am also a newbie to the regulation approach. However, I found this conference very interesting and thought provoking, so I try a summary in English.
Paradigm Changes in Media Art: Research Project Description (Abstract, long version)
This research investigates media art through practice based and theoretic research. At the centre of this investigation are seminal exhibitions in the history of media art as well as my own curatorial practice. The thesis proposes that paradigm shifts in media art and society are closely linked and that studying those paradigm shifts through the chosen exhibitions provides insights into the interlocking dynamics of art, technology and social change.
Reading the Digital City: New political technologies in the Network Society
At the beginning of the 1990s, the proclaimed crisis of the city marked a general crisis of governance: the discussion about the supposed “decline of cities” was characterised by a controversial debate about a possible loss of control. Paradoxically, all hopes have been pinned on those technologies that were held accountable for the dissolution of the urban space. That’s because, as in similar techno-utopias before, cyberspace was considered to be constructable and, therefore, controllable.
Diagram: Techno-economic and artistic paradigms in the 20th century
This diagram is rendered by graphviz using the dot language. It tries to reflect key elements of the dominant paradigms in the 20th century regarding accumulation regimes, developmental models, political constellations, scientific breakthroughs, artistic movements and social movements. The current version is still experimental and not very strict in its interpretation of the model, which means that the diagram is imperfect on one hand anyway, but also has deliberately avoided becoming too linear, i.e. certain new terms are brought in while others get dropped.
Four Pathways - first results
The first full seminar of the series "Four Pathways through Chaos" was held in Toronto on May 1-2, under the auspices of the European Graduate School, with about 10 students attending. It was a great success, very interesting! And very directly related to the research into Technopolitics. What I did was to transform the Introduction on methodology and the lectures on Assembly-Line Mass Production into stand-alone PDFs, consisting mainly of quotes from books accompanied by images and transitional comments.
The Production of Creative Norms: The Integrative Process, Structural Forms and Culture
This text is a methodological outline linking categories of the Technopolitics research project with the PhD research project on "Moves in Media Art - Paradigm changes in art and technology". While mainly sketching out a work program for the coming months, the notion of "creative norms" is proposed here for the first time in an English text. It therefore would be nice to get some feedback on this.
Double Ages
Why is that each of the Industrial Ages identified by the technological innovation school (Mensch, Perez, Freeman, Soete etc) is marked by major innovations which are not considered to be among the mainstays of the period, but which do play a great role in it, to the point where they leave just as much of a stamp on popular memory as the dominant industrial process of that Age?
World Economy Data Series
This publication brings together two reference works by Angus Maddison: The World Economy:
A Millennial Perspective, published in 2001 and The World Economy: Historical Statistics, which was released in 2003. The first volume provides a comprehensive view of the growth and levels of world population since the year 1000, when rich countries of today were poorer than Asia and Africa. In the second volume, Angus Maddison offers a rare insight into the history and political influence of national accounts and national accounting.
Review of "Beyond Marx" - Über Marx hinaus
This article presents a review, summary and notes on Über Marx hinaus Arbeitsgeschichte und Arbeitsbegriff in der Konfrontation mit den globalen Arbeitsverhältnissen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Edited by Marcel van der Linden and Karl Heinz Roth, this book combines many heterodox thinkers of the left, who had a close engagement with Marx, but are convinced now that we need to go beyond Marx for a number of reasons. This carefully edited volume makes a very interesting contribution to the history and present of labour and deserves to receive enough attention so that it gets translated as a whole or some of the pieces in it.
particular narratives or strands of research contributing to the understanding of what makes a paradigm
Cycles, Waves, Paradigms, Hegemonic Transitions
The following is an annotated and hyperlinked bibliography, including brief statements on the general problematic and an introduction to each author. Full texts are provided whenever possible. The bibliography is intended as a shared resource, to be enlarged and improved by others as research continues.
Power Elites
The Power Elites, after C.W Mills.
Renegade Inventors and Entrepreneur
Individuals who at particular times can beat the innovation system.