Research Journal of admin

Lovink on Media Art

As promised, Geert's chapter on media art from his book Zero Commments. I think some of points are valid, although on the whole the critique is too sweeping and presents a one sided picture of what media art is. Leaving all the critical threads out and then saying its all too conformistic if obviously a polemical move. My final opinion I have not been able to formulate as I feel I can currently not write an opinionated article. I would rather do more research and then write something well founded which does not need to be polemical to be convincing.

Ökonomische Verarmung und Verarmung der Subjektivität im Neoliberalismus

Dieser Text ist die deutsche Übersetzung des Vortragstextes Maurizio Lazzaratos bei der Creative Cities Konferenz am 31.3.2009 in Wien. Die Übersetzung stammt von Stefan Nowotny. In diesem Text argumentiert Maurizio Lazzarato, inwiefern die derzeitige Politik Frankreichs und der EU im Bereich der Creative Industries anti-produktiv ist.


hello on a rainy sat morning in vienna,

as you may have noticed i did an upgrade yesterday, which was 3 hours of cold sweat but succeeded in the end. pictures now also can be edited again with all the tags, etc.

some further small improvements have been made:
pictures can now be posted also in groups, which means that if the right group is chosen and public uncheckled the image is only visible for logged in group members.

Disorderly Methodologies

Responding to something that Doll wrote

Lindsay I also feel *my* work doesn't make an easy fit into TNL compared to what you and Armin and some others post, because your writings are well-argued and/or intrigueingly speculative whereas a lot of what i am putting up is more rambly and thought processes scrawled as they come to me, as i am afraid that if i dont write everything, and repeat my ideas in different ways within the 1 text a number of times, i will lose what few idea kernels that i have in the thesis fog that surrounds me

/tmp/lab announces the second Hacker Space Festival

Hacker Space Festival 2009 | Call For Proposals | HSF2009

In 2008, we organized HSF[1] on the spot, as an ad-hoc meeting for
hackerspaces-related networks, technical and artistic research emerging
from them and social questionning arising from them. This sudden
experiment proved to be a huge success, as much as on the
self-organizing level as on the participants and meetings quality, as
well as the emotionally-charged ambient, the kind of which you make
fond memories.

The 2008 edition generated a strong emulation in France, from its

Call for Papers: 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts

Riga based initiative e-text+textiles is pleased to announce that the 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts will take place in Riga in June 2010. Deadline for abstract submissions: 16 August 2009,

Creative Cities Pressespiegel

Eine Zusammenstellung von Online verfügbaren Artikeln über die Konferenz "Creative Cities - das Versprechen der kreativen Ökonomie", ebenso wie von Interviews mit Teilnehmern, die im Kontext der Konferenz aufgezeichnet wurden.

Aileen Derig on Creative Cities

Aileen Derig, based in Linz and contributor to the Furtherfield blog, has written a short statement on the creative cities conference. Thanks Aileen.

Geert Lovink: Critique of the Creative Industries Event in Vienna

Geert Lovink, a participant of the conference on "Creative Cities - das Versprechen der kreativen Ökonomie", took the time to write up his notes on his blog at the website of the Institute of Network Culture.

Creative Cities Bilder

Bilder von der Creative Cities Konferenz, von Beate Firlinger

Alle Bilder auf Flickr

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