The Next Layer is a collaborative environment combining open source, experimental and artistic research methodologies.
Underwater Tea Table
These are initial images from my performance on the 19th October, where a light projection of wallpaper was shone into the water through which I was swimming to set a tea table and sit on a chair underwater; this proved rather difficult as I am, like all humans, rather bouyant. The light levels were so low that the film footage turned out really grainy. Chris Rowland a fellow researcher and dive buddy, was in charge of the underwater camera and has kindly alterd the footage so that it is lighter. Chris's own research is developing new animation mapping techniques to create 3-D images of submereged shipwrecks and utilises sonar technology, so the documentation was in good hands. These were stills taken from his lightened footage and even though they are still quite dark and grainy have a particularly eerie quality. I'll post a link to the moving footage when i've editied it.