The Next Layer is a collaborative environment combining open source, experimental and artistic research methodologies.

Brazil in a Whirlwind

Why whirlwind? 'Whirl', because we have been criss-crossing the country by plane, using the Brazil Pass, a special offer for visitors from abroad who want to visit different cities during a set period of time. But why 'wind', that is another question. Maybe it has to do with the air, that warm tropical air which received us in Rio de Janeiro with a variety of smells, from sweet flowers and other plant smells to the stench of open sewers in the Favela; wind, also because of the frequent tropical thunderstorms which we have encountered; and wind also because of ...


Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working with open source audiovisual software, hardware & art.

Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, by the Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (BEK) and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of FLOSS & art.

Drupal Einführung für „Endbenutzer“

Ich hab mal nach einer simplen Einführung in Drupal für Benutzer dieser Seite gesucht, und im deutschen Drupalhandbuch einiges gefunden.
Wenn ich zeit habe, mach ich daraus „Erste Schritte“ für „The Next Layer“.

Drupal Benutzerhandbuch

Drupal für Endbenutzer

Tutorials & How To's

dort z.B.:
Arbeiten mit dem Drupal Taxonomie-System

Underwater Tea Table

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These are initial images from my performance on the 19th October, where a light projection of wallpaper was shone into the water through which I was swimming to set a tea table and sit on a chair underwater; this proved rather difficult as I am, like all humans, rather bouyant. The light levels were so low that the film footage turned out really grainy. Chris Rowland a fellow researcher and dive buddy, was in charge of the underwater camera and has kindly alterd the footage so that it is lighter. Chris's own research is developing new animation mapping techniques to create 3-D images of submereged shipwrecks and utilises sonar technology, so the documentation was in good hands. These were stills taken from his lightened footage and even though they are still quite dark and grainy have a particularly eerie quality. I'll post a link to the moving footage when i've editied it.

Chaos Computer Club hackt Hamburger Wahlstift - CCC hacks electronic voting pens

Am 24. Februar 2008 soll in Hamburg mit dem neuen "Digitalen
Wahlstift" gewählt werden. Durch eine grundlegende Änderung des
Wahlrechts wird unter anderem ein Computer-Wahlverfahren eingeführt,
das nur oberflächlich wie die vertraute Wahl mit Zettel und Stift
aussieht. Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) weist nun mit der
Demonstration eines Wahlstift-Trojaners auf die erheblichen
Manipulationsrisiken dieses Verfahrens hin.

Die imaginäre Zukunft oder: wie Versionen der Zukunft aus der Vergangenheit die Gegenwart bestimmen.

Eine Rezension des Buches “Imaginary Futures” von Richard Barbrook.

Als sich die USA in der Ära des Kalten Krieges auf eine Spirale des Wettrüstens mit der Sowjetunion einließen, tobte zugleich auch ein ideologischer Kampf. Die Führungsschichten beider Seiten versuchten, indem sie den Anspruch auf die Zukunft erhoben, auch die Gegenwart zu dominieren. Die Sowjetunion hatte dabei den Vorteil, das von einer Befreiungs-Utopie geprägte Geschichtsbild des Marxismus auf ihrer Seite zu haben.

Update! Systems Upgrade trouble

Dear users of this site. A major systems upgrade was necessary for security reasons. We have upgraded from Drupal 5.2 to 5.3. At first all went well but then actions of the sysadmin from hell (me) triggered a chain of events which ended almost disastrously. However, the site has been restored (almost) to full functionality. The images work again, yet there are issues with thumbnail images (I think youcan all see the error messages). Update to the update: As far as I can see all images are displayed again. We are now using imagemagick as toolkit.

Hackney Walk Oct 2007

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A sunday walk on 14th of October 2007

easy mapping

easy mapping - So the trick to map easily is:
I take pictures with my Canon Powershot A630, and get the gps information from my telephone.
I match them with gpscorrelate-gui (I have to get the proper commandline yet…). The most important part is calculating the difference between your camera and your gps, so you can align them perfectly. For doing so, a nice trick is to start the mapping taking a picture of the gps driver.

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