
Taxi-to-Praxi notes: summarizing the morning session

Armin Medosch: Collecting good points of practice

- Facilitating shared, open and free platforms
- How much work and/or investments are required?
- What drives people to participate?
- Drupal: every item of information a node

Jaromil: Proposal for ‘solid knowledge’

- Co-operation among people active in education
- Try to compile an ontology of possible knowledge paths
- What makes knowledge solid? 4 points for educational institutions;

Subversion/Drupal distributed multisite project

(please excuse the note form of this article)

I am involved in a number of drupal projects, both new and legacy, some as paid projects, some volunteer.
I am involved or want to help with the maintainence of the code base (security patching, upgrades etc). However not all of the projects are on my own server. And as I am not a hosting company that is how things should be.
However, patching and upgrading is a pain, especially over many sites. How could this be managed efficiently and cooperatively?

The Solution in general

Drupal Einführung für „Endbenutzer“

Ich hab mal nach einer simplen Einführung in Drupal für Benutzer dieser Seite gesucht, und im deutschen Drupalhandbuch einiges gefunden.
Wenn ich zeit habe, mach ich daraus „Erste Schritte“ für „The Next Layer“.

Drupal Benutzerhandbuch

Drupal für Endbenutzer

Tutorials & How To's

dort z.B.:
Arbeiten mit dem Drupal Taxonomie-System

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