Book Launch at 21er Haus


Armin Medosch - Lecture at 21er Haus

Lecture at the global book launchof my book on New Tendencies at 21er Haus on June 15th 2016.

 Ich möchte dem Chef-Kurator des 21er Hauses, Harald Kreijci danken, dass er mich eingeladen hat, hier über die Neuen Tendenzen zu sprechen, was zugleich mein weltweiter Booklaunch ist. Mein Buch New Tendencies – Art at the Threshold of the Information Revolution (1961 – 1978) erscheint dieser Tage auf englisch bei MIT Press. Fast alle der in der Kinetika-Ausstellung gezeigten Künstlerinnen und Künstler haben an der internationalen Bewegung Neue Tendenzen teilgenommen.

Lecture at opening of Kinetika at 21er Haus


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Armin Medosch speaking at 21er Haus

Vortragstext: Armin Medosch. Ich möchte der Direktorin des Belvedere, Frau Agnes Husslein-Arco und dem Kurator der Ausstellung, Harald Kreijci danken, dass sie mich eingeladen haben, hier zur Eröffnung des Rückblicks auf Kinetika einige Worte zu sagen. Mein Vortrag muss eher kurz gehalten werden, muss mich insofern auf thesenhafte Schwerpunkte beschränken. Nachzulesen wird es das alles in meinem Buch New Tendencies geben, das auf englisch bei MIT Press erscheinen wird. Vortrag gehalten im Kontext der Eröffnung Kinetika Eröffnung,

Dividuelle Dividende

In diesem Technopolitics Salon präsentierte Gerald Raunig in einem speziell für Technopolitics entwickeltem Vortrag Aspekte seines neuen Buchs Dividuum. Als Respondentin fungierteTechnik-Philosophin Mona Singer. Zahlreiche Besucherinnen beteiligten sich an einer angeregten Diskussion.

Art in a Third Space: New Tendencies and the non-aligned avant-gardes


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„Art in a third space“ uses the metaphor and reality of non-aligned modernism as a way of accessing the rich transdisciplinary origins of New Tendencies, an international „abstract“ art movement which lasted from 1961 to 1973 and had its centre in Zagreb, Croatia. Former Yugoslavia's self-managed socialism created unique conditions that enabled New Tendencies to emerge, a contemporary of Pop Art and Minimalism, and an early precursor of media art.

"Art as Visual Research: The Tendency in New Tendencies"

This article presents the international movement New Tendencies (1961-1978) as one of the first large scale international art movements that made artist-led research a core concern. New Tendencies adopted ideas and methods from Gestalt psychology, a holistic, experimental form of psychological research, and combined it with the idea of liberating the viewer from alienation. This paper will primarily focus on the first phase of New Tendencies, from 1961 to 1963, when the movement developed its new aesthetics and poetics.


Non-aligned art solidarity and the emerging third world


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Time: 02/04/2016, 9:30 AM—12:00 PM
Location: Delaware Suite B, Lobby Level
Chairs: Adair Rounthwaite, University of Washington; Atreyee Gupta, Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin

‘Contemporary Art of the South’: Rethinking the Contemporary Art of the Non-Aligned Countries exhibition of 1995.
Amanda K. Rath, Cornell University

Solidarities of the Seventies: Graphics in a Global Field
Klara Kemp-Welch, Courtauld Institute of Art

Technopolitics Salon at Social Glitch


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To discuss the conceptual outreach, the potentials, and the implications of the project, "Tracing Information Society, A Timeline", a round table discussion was held on November 19th, 7 pm at Kunstraum NOE. Tracing Information Society is the new project of the Technopolitics Working Group. The Technopolitics Working Group decided to engage in a material project that couples artistic as well as theoretical research and practice and initiated Tracing Information Society – A Timeline

Out Now: A Companion to Digital Art


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June 18 1999

This book, edited by Christiane Paul, is a veritable tome in the positive sense, a book of more than 600 pages which will define media art, digital art for some time to come. It assembles a collection of the best authors on the subject matter, in well structured chapters. Unfortunately I could not find a blurb online, so I wrote a short text describing just my contribution.
