New Tendencies

Lecture at opening of Kinetika at 21er Haus


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Armin Medosch speaking at 21er Haus

Vortragstext: Armin Medosch. Ich möchte der Direktorin des Belvedere, Frau Agnes Husslein-Arco und dem Kurator der Ausstellung, Harald Kreijci danken, dass sie mich eingeladen haben, hier zur Eröffnung des Rückblicks auf Kinetika einige Worte zu sagen. Mein Vortrag muss eher kurz gehalten werden, muss mich insofern auf thesenhafte Schwerpunkte beschränken. Nachzulesen wird es das alles in meinem Buch New Tendencies geben, das auf englisch bei MIT Press erscheinen wird. Vortrag gehalten im Kontext der Eröffnung Kinetika Eröffnung,

Non-aligned art solidarity and the emerging third world


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Time: 02/04/2016, 9:30 AM—12:00 PM
Location: Delaware Suite B, Lobby Level
Chairs: Adair Rounthwaite, University of Washington; Atreyee Gupta, Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin

‘Contemporary Art of the South’: Rethinking the Contemporary Art of the Non-Aligned Countries exhibition of 1995.
Amanda K. Rath, Cornell University

Solidarities of the Seventies: Graphics in a Global Field
Klara Kemp-Welch, Courtauld Institute of Art

New Tendencies and the Politics of Form


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Federico de Ambrosi (foreground)

In this lecture, I contextualized New Tendencies with a discourse on Modernism, whereby NT were introduced as a Last Avantgarde. As a neo-avant-gare they reacted against a Modernism that had become prescriptive and captivated by the institutional system at the time already. NT deployed an entirely abstract language which is usually considered to be apolitical, but in their practice, abstract visual research was imbued with a strong politics of form which aimed at the emancipation and liberation of the viewer. Thus, their politics of form led straight towards participatory art.

The Technological Unconscious and Digital Art (Istanbul lecture)


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Armin Medosch, Lecture at "Histories of the Post-Digital"

In this talk I presented the beginning of new research based on the notion of the technological unconscious in relation to early computer art. The lecture draws on research conducted in the context of my PhD on the New Tendencies movement and network, and further research in related areas done since then. The presentation was part of the Saturday seminars held in the context of the exhibition "Histories of the Post-digital", curated by Ekmel Ertan and Darko Fritz.

Armin Medosch speaking at "Postwar — Art between the Pacific and the Atlantic, 1945-1965"


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It is my pleasure to announce that I will present my paper Non-Aligned Modernism - the international network and art movement New Tendencies (first phase, 1961-1965) at the Postwar conference in Munich in May. My paper was submitted in response to an open call and got selected. You find the press release of Haus der Kunst below.

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