
Howto create and use 'Organic Groups'

The organic groups module allows you to create a working group where a number of people with shared interests can create content which is non-public, visible to group members only.

To be able to create and moderate a group, you need to get 'group moderator' permissions. To get this you need to ask the Administrator.

To create a new group you first need to create a new content type.

Creative City Discourse: Amsterdam as New Babylon

Interesting piece about creative city policy in Amsterdam in Variant by Merijn Oudenampsen

The following quotes are from "Back to the Future of the Creative City
An Archaeological Approach to Amsterdam’s Creative Redevelopment" by Merijn Oudenampsen in Variant, issue 31, Spring 2008

Copyleft vs. Copyright. All Rites Reversed!?

all communication is propaganda.
all publication is political.
all business is personal.
all art is pornographic.
mind you,
free your mind.

Sir Please Come with Me for the Google Search

Tong Z.  2007.  Sir Please Come with Me for the Google Search. Wired Magazine. :58+.

Rhetorics of Self-Making


Style: An Anti-textbook

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