
Howto create a Forum Topic

To create a new forum topic go into 'create content' on the left hand side bar on the home page, then click on forum topics. Its pretty straight forward from there as regards the subject and the language options*. The forum topics are limited, but if you wanted to add another category eg copyright, then you would click onto content management on the black bar at the top of the home page, click categories, then click add term on the forums. This gives a few options such as the parent category, which you may want to put under the term 'site building' for example.

The Criminal in the Academy: best essay title on practice-based

As I am wrangling with my frakking thesis development, I found this PDF
Position Papers on Practice-Based Research:

There The Criminal in the Academy:Practice Based Research as a Form of Theft. deserves title of the year award.

My old Italian uncles, or, Doll's recent Doctoral Assessment paper & slideshow

Following Lindsay's lead I will upload my recent Doctoral Assessment. This consists of the quite ugly designed slide show (I know you will both recoil -- i was under pressure!) to which I winged my talk, then we had 2 weeks in which to revise our written papers that the slideshow was based on, taking into account feedback we received after our talks. At University of Technology, Sydney, all PhD candidates have to to this DA in their third year, to basically prove that by this stage to the Faculty and Grad School peeps we know what the frak we are doing.

Meerkat Economies and Bare Markets

thoughts to come...

Taxi-to-Praxi notes: summarizing the morning session

Armin Medosch: Collecting good points of practice

- Facilitating shared, open and free platforms
- How much work and/or investments are required?
- What drives people to participate?
- Drupal: every item of information a node

Jaromil: Proposal for ‘solid knowledge’

- Co-operation among people active in education
- Try to compile an ontology of possible knowledge paths
- What makes knowledge solid? 4 points for educational institutions;

Curating as practice led research

Curating can be a form of practice led research and this is perhaps the most interesting approach. Having developed my own practice as a curator through the 1990s using ‘new media’, it has by necessity been a process of learning about technology through my practice and what it can do to enhance the presentation of content; in some cases of course the technology is the content in its own right. Learning on the job during the 1990s was the only way to develop given that artists were also experimenting with new forms and with it new ideas.

Das Paradox des Privaten - eine Polemik

In die Diskussion um den Schutz der Privatsphäre bzw. deren zunehmenden Verlust haben sich einige fundamentale Denkfehler eingeschlichen, weshalb diese Anliegen, so sie als defensive Verteidigung eines Menschenrechts aufgefasst werden, zum Scheitern verurteilt sind.

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