
Wireless Community Weekend and 45RPM

Last weekend, Saturday 15th of September, a wireless community weekend was held in the rooms of the former MedienKunstlabor at Kunsthaus Graz. Wireless community networkers from Funkfeuer Wien, Graz and Bad Ischl met with guests from Berlin (B.A.T.M.A.N) and Italy/Netsukuku.

Goodbye Privacy: Delighted by the Spectacle

Goodbye Privacy, curated by Ina Zwerger and Armin Medosch for Ars Electronica, was a rich 2 days of presentations and provocations. Some of the papers are available on line at nettime, and maybe in other places...

Here's a link to Brian Holmes's paper, 'Cybernetics and the Control Society':


And Felix Stalder's ' Our New Public Life: Free Cooperation, Biased Infrastructures and Authoritarian States':


A Handbook for Coding Cultures

Earlier this year I was invited to work as a Guest Curator on Coding Cultures, a project initiated by d/Lux Media Arts in Sydney.

It had 5 main elements: artist residencies (Proboscis from the UK, and mervin Jarman from Jamaica with Camille Turner from Canada); workshops, a symposium, a book, and a country gig in the remote mining town of Broken Hill.

'A Handbook for Coding Cultures' was a small-run free print publication which is also available for download at:


Social Technologies and the Digital Commons

Last year I drew on some of my Masters research* to write a chapter for a book on Open Source Software.

My text is titled 'Social Technologies and the Digital Commons' and the book is Handbook of Research on Open Source Software: Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives, edited by Kirk St. Amant and Brian Still.

The book is very expensive (over $400 aussie, ridiculous!), so I haven't been able to buy a copy myself. But I have uploaded my text here (fuck copyright!):

The book's contents are listed here:

My PhD Synopsis as of April 2007

Well, my original proposal for my PhD was very big and completely unrealistic. And the first 18 months have been spent either ignoring it or trying to shape it into something do-able. So now I have a skinny synopsis, and some tendrils of questions...

Working title: Small Media, Soft Ecologies: exploring digital-social interventions

Running Synopsis:

Food for Thought: Greek Lentil and Olive Oil Soup

Background to the meal: A soup I am cooking tonight for Furtherfield mob. It's a soft exchange for being their house guest in their flat in Haringey, London--and for FF allowing me to interview them for my PhD research.

Furtherfield are a core of 2 - Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett - who for the past 10 or 11 years have established and nurtured networked art and cultural experimentation - via online and offline playful participatory structures.

Some of their projects are documented here:


Goodbye Privacy Symposium 2007 Documentation

This page is the central hub for the documentation of Goodbye Privacy, the Ars Electronica Theme Conference 2007 at New Kunstuni Linz.

User-Designed Software

I've been interested in the idea of user-designed software for some time, and what I've seen recently of drupal sharpens the question a bit, and maybe brings it into reality.

Actually, I consider myself to be a user who, though necessity and personal interest, can write just enough code to satisfy my personal requirements for tools.

Goodbye Privacy! Welcome Publicity?

Ina: We’ve never posted any intimate details on the Internet, and romantic sunsets from the vacations we’ve taken together aren’t to found on Flickr or YouTube. I don’t maintain a blog of my experiences. I even get uncomfortable in a restaurant when the tables are too close together or, worse yet, when people are seated there who can listen in on my personal conversation. It irritates me even when they're wrapped up in a disgcussion of their own and are definitely not paying the least bit of attention to what I happen to be saying at the moment.

Research Journals launched on Next Layer Website

Today, with the help of Lo-res-ers X alias Chris Kummerer and Aaron Kaplan I have been able to install The Next Layer website using Drupal. 6 hours later and we have already got users and content, a newsletter and a contact form, I am using the video to brain DVD by Hagen Graf. I was sceptical at first but must say it is an excellent tool to learn this software. It is not cheap but the Drupal developer community also benefoits financially with a small percentage of the price.

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