
Lost Music

My research today took a poetic wander. In thinking about the electromagnetic environment and how 'on land' we are submerged in modulated mumblings, my thoughts turned to the electromagnetically silent world of the deep, a world where radio and light don't penetrate, a world that can only be felt through other senses; the skin, the emotions, sound. Today I started looking at the Titanic.

Some nights, the roo

Two solitary campers in the dunes at Antechamber Bay, our first night on the island. The moon is brightful overhead when I'm ripped from my dreams by the presence and weight of a kangaroo on me. A giant roo, so heavy, squashing. I lie with stillness for a long time. When I eventually drag myself up out of my canvas cocoon I can't see him, he's dissolved into the sheltering scrub. Disappointed, relieved, I burrow back into sleep. In the morning Robyn reports her encounter with a wombat when she ventured out for a midnight jish. But this was no wombat sitting on me, it was kangaroo. Something about that heavy tail, those thumper bumper feet, the sweet grassy breath.

The Criminal in the Academy: best essay title on practice-based

As I am wrangling with my frakking thesis development, I found this PDF
Position Papers on Practice-Based Research:


There The Criminal in the Academy:Practice Based Research as a Form of Theft. deserves title of the year award.

My old Italian uncles, or, Doll's recent Doctoral Assessment paper & slideshow

Following Lindsay's lead I will upload my recent Doctoral Assessment. This consists of the quite ugly designed slide show (I know you will both recoil -- i was under pressure!) to which I winged my talk, then we had 2 weeks in which to revise our written papers that the slideshow was based on, taking into account feedback we received after our talks. At University of Technology, Sydney, all PhD candidates have to to this DA in their third year, to basically prove that by this stage to the Faculty and Grad School peeps we know what the frak we are doing.

SPAZMs on the Uncommons

SPAZ | Semi-Permanent Autonomous Zones

In 1985 the anarchist philosopher, poet and activist Hakim Bey wrote a small but influential book called Temporary Autonomous Zone (or TAZ). Bey proposed the political necessity for the creation of autonomous, horizontally-organised process-oriented productive spaces.(1) The temporary nature of alternative initiatives was crucial, ensuring creative dynamism and an inbuilt resistance to corruption and ossification. TAZ became a kind of a manifesto and blueprint within various activist communities worldwide, and influenced the shaping of innumerable creative projects.

Lindsay's Transfer Report and Other Notes

I have uploaded my newly submitted transfer report as a file instead of pasting it here. I'm still learning how to use modules like these so bear with me!

PhD Papers in Progress

Working papers, draft abstracts and other materials related to PhD research by TNL subscribers

Pokémon Masters vs Pakman

Collect, train, battle.

In a Japanese franchised fantasy game, players capture cute wild creatures called Pokémon, and train them to become members of powerful fighting teams. If a Pokémon cannot escape the confines of the multi-function Poké Ball, it is considered owned by the Trainer. Volition goes out the window, and it must now obey all commands.

The interior of the spherical Poké Ball is designed to make the enslaved Pokémon feel comfortable, but there are no guarantees that this will happen. It's a world of tough luck and tough love.

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