Research Journal of Lindsay

Burning Water with Radio

Old news perhaps, but new to me and one for the notebook.

Lost Music

My research today took a poetic wander. In thinking about the electromagnetic environment and how 'on land' we are submerged in modulated mumblings, my thoughts turned to the electromagnetically silent world of the deep, a world where radio and light don't penetrate, a world that can only be felt through other senses; the skin, the emotions, sound. Today I started looking at the Titanic.

Knowledge Transfer Conference Scotland

Knowledge Transfer Conference Scotland
St Andrews University
Friday the 4th April 2008

Part One

Knowledge Transfer (KT) involves the two-way flow of ideas, skills and people between the research and higher education community and wider users in Society in the public and private sectors.

Greenfield Scalp

These are images of the Greenfield Scalp transmitter that serves North Fife and Dundee in Scotland, UK. This is an AM radio transmitter that is owned by the commercial National Grid Wireless network.

Saucy Tales

The Art and Science of Saucy Tales: Thinking Through Myth, Metaphor, Measuring and Back Again.

A synopsis of my research project for practice-led PhD can be found at the link below.

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