Greenfield Scalp
These are images of the Greenfield Scalp transmitter that serves North Fife and Dundee in Scotland, UK. This is an AM radio transmitter that is owned by the commercial National Grid Wireless network.
The mast is 10 metres high and transmits at 1053 for Talk Sport (1000W for those that know what that means), 1161 Tay AM (1400W), 1242 Virgin AM (500W) and according to one internet table, un night-time pick-up Ciel AM at 981, a French broadcast that I have so far not heard.
This mast attracted me as from the road it looks like a ships mast; the transmitting station sitting in a dip that is not visible from above. The backdrop is the River Tay, which adds to this optical illusion of Tall Ships to shore.
Greenfield Scalp Transmitter from artist1066 on Vimeo.