
Webcasts of the Goodbye Privacy Symposium


Goodbye Privacy Symposium I

Welcome Gerfried Stocker (just available in German)


The Value of Privacy (just available in German)

Introduction Jordan Crandall and Erich Moechel

Night and Day: Inside Nerdcore Central


Let me put it this way: generally speaking there are things implicit and things explicit -- and at the hackmeeting the overwhelming majority of things to know and find out were implicit. It is in the nature of the self-organised event with flat, or, rather no hierarchies that those things that matter do usually not come with a large banner in human readable code that explains everything. There is not really a spokesperson, there are few figureheads, even fame is implicit, is something to be known and shared between insiders. What is to be found out is mostly based on direct human relationships. Everything else is largely a question of the 'vibe'.

Object Scores


Art in Hospital was established in 1991 as a charitable and autonomous visual arts in healthcare organization, that worked within Greater Glasgow NHS to ‘bring the visual arts into the mainstream of the health service where it can be part of the service that a hospital can offer; that it is seen not as diversional therapy but as an artistic discipline in its own right.’ Graduate artists do not work as art therapists, but as artists.

Domestic Sub-mariner


I’ve always been into submarines and ships, and basically anything that is big, metallic and man-made with an engine. From my grade C in physics and the realisation that ‘I ain’t no Einstein’, I allowed my working life to direct my interests. Two of my early career choices were apprentice mechanic and HGV driver, where I viewed myself as a practical pioneer of women’s rights to work in jobs that were at that time, mainly dominated by men.

Goodbye Privacy: Delighted by the Spectacle


Goodbye Privacy, curated by Ina Zwerger and Armin Medosch for Ars Electronica, was a rich 2 days of presentations and provocations. Some of the papers are available on line at nettime, and maybe in other places...

Here's a link to Brian Holmes's paper, 'Cybernetics and the Control Society':

And Felix Stalder's ' Our New Public Life: Free Cooperation, Biased Infrastructures and Authoritarian States':


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