
Entries relating to the project of investigating paradigm changes in the shape of technopolitics and social change.

Global Protocols

This meta-category deals with where the local/nationally integrated process meets with the global. It particularly refers to standards ands protocols developed at the boundaries of the nation and globalisation.

Agents of Change

This category deals with the myriad agents of change in society, from vanguard groups and parties to factors that contribute to slower and less easily recognizable forms of change.

Integrative Process

This pages is to discuss the Mode of Regulation and its subcategories - Legal Framework; Redistribution Mechanisms; Self-Organization of Labour.

Leading Technologies

Lead Technologies and Transportion: following the concept of Freeman and Soete and Carlota Perez, there is always a lead technology, or usually a pairing of lead technologies, which occur together with specific innovations in the transport system.

Productive Process

This page is to discuss what the meta-category Productive Process and its subcategories mean.


This is the beginning of a Book on techno-political paradigm changes.
There are four meta-categories with sub-categories, which we are slowly going to fill with meanings, explanations, related bibliographies.

Forrester, Advertising and Consumer Market

This is a graph by Jay Wright Forrester from his book Industrial Dynamics, showing the expected time (in weeks) that must be allotted for distribution from the factory to wholesalers, retails, and ultimately the public (on the right side of the graph) as well as the time to be allotted for advertising to be planned, executed and achieve its end, namely the creation of "effective demand" for the product (left side of the graph).

Forrester, Advertising and Consumer Market

Bichler & Nitzan, Bear markets on NYSE

This is a table from Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan's article, "Countours of Crisis, Plus ça change, plus c'est pareil," available here:

Bichler & Nitzan, Bear markets on NYSE

Perez, technological revolutions

This is a table showing the five major technological revolutions identified by Carlota Perez.

Perez, technological revolutions


This text is a first draft, trying to identify key topics for an inquiry into the new organisation of labour. It starts with a historic analysis and then explores the notion of Post-Fordism.Specific sections are devoted to cognitive capitalism, the creative industries, informational capitalism and the split between manual and mental labour. It ends with a modest proposal for an alternative path of development.

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