
Entries relating to the project of investigating paradigm changes in the shape of technopolitics and social change.

Review of "Beyond Marx" - Über Marx hinaus

This article presents a review, summary and notes on Über Marx hinaus Arbeitsgeschichte und Arbeitsbegriff in der Konfrontation mit den globalen Arbeitsverhältnissen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Edited by Marcel van der Linden and Karl Heinz Roth, this book combines many heterodox thinkers of the left, who had a close engagement with Marx, but are convinced now that we need to go beyond Marx for a number of reasons. This carefully edited volume makes a very interesting contribution to the history and present of labour and deserves to receive enough attention so that it gets translated as a whole or some of the pieces in it.


particular narratives or strands of research contributing to the understanding of what makes a paradigm

Cycles, Waves, Paradigms, Hegemonic Transitions

The following is an annotated and hyperlinked bibliography, including brief statements on the general problematic and an introduction to each author. Full texts are provided whenever possible. The bibliography is intended as a shared resource, to be enlarged and improved by others as research continues.

Power Elites

The Power Elites, after C.W Mills.

Renegade Inventors and Entrepreneur

Individuals who at particular times can beat the innovation system.

Vanguard Groups, Parties and Networks

Deliberate, idea driven, aesthetic, political and scientific-scholarly interventions by relatively small and disciplined groups.

Class, Gender and Ethnic Rights

Social movements, but also subcultural groups and communities involved in class and rights struggles and/or nursing divergent cultural values over the medium and long term which become particularly relevant during explosive moments.

Regional Blocks

The regional blocks are an important intermediate layer defining protocols.

Migratory Regimes

Norms, laws and technologies regulating the flows of people across sovereign borders.

Military Infrastructure and Strategies

Sovereign and Subaltern Military Strategies and the impact of military infrastructure on global protocols.

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