
I am a Revolutionary: Interview with Jaromil

Interview with Jaromil

0:54 minutes (851.06 KB)

Jaromil - Choose What to Produce

Interview with Jaromil

0:33 minutes (518.82 KB)

Sealscarer 44Hz

The Anchorage is a bay off Tanera Mor in the Summer Isles, in North-west Scotland. After swimming in this water for a few consecutive days and being quite annoyed with a strange sound that was disturbing my peace, I found out that the noise was a Sealscarer, a computer generated sound that kept seals away from the fish-farm further up the bay.

0:23 minutes (459.23 KB)

jaromil - gcc saved my life

0:10 minutes (166.17 KB)

jaromil - I decide

0:16 minutes (253.92 KB)

Gilberto Gil and Pontos de Cultura - Teia discussion 2

1:20 minutes (1.22 MB)

Gilberto Gil and Pontos de Cultura - teia 1

Discussion with Gilberto Gil (and sometimes Claudio Prado) at Teia, Belo Horizonte 09.11.2007. As part of this festival a meeting of participants in the Pontos de Cultura Program was held where Gil answered questions from people in an exercise of direct government. Pontos de Cultura and the digital culture project are an effort by the Brazilian Government to spread digital culture, free software and copyleft ideas in cultural organisations in Brazil.

26:09 minutes (23.95 MB)

Gilberto Gil and Pontos de Cultura - teia 10

4:13 minutes (3.86 MB)

Gilberto Gil and Pontos de Cultura - teia 2

1:20 minutes (1.22 MB)

Gilberto Gil and Pontos de Cultura - teia 5

3:43 minutes (3.41 MB)
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