
Chimerica Persists

In 2007 the conservative English historian Niall Ferguson and co-author Moritz Schularick wrote an article entitled 'Chimerica' and the Global Asset Market Boom, in International Finance, 10:3. A new text by Hung Ho-Fung gives a lot more depth to their analysis.

Beyond the Regulation Approach

A book by the leading English-language regulationist, Bob Jessp, with co-author Ngai-Ling Sum, focusing on the characterization of Fordism, its breakdown and ways to characterize the period "after Fordism" in its qualitative differences, particularly due to the fully global and therefore, multicivilizational dimensions of the new regime of accumulation.


New comment: As I have noted somewhere in these discussions, I propose that as a a starting point economic 'cycles' should have a strong role in periodisation, because without those, we are moving outside the Kondratieff framework. Periods would then be simply named after perceived leading technologies, they would represent 'paradigms' but what drives the transition from one to the other would be difficult to argue.

A Logistical Explanation

This text by Brian Ashton, which appeared on OpenMute http://www.metamute.org/en/Logistics-Factory-Without-Walls, and was forwarded to me by a friend of mine, covers some interesting issues on logistics and Just-In-Time production.

Global Protocols

This meta-category deals with where the local/nationally integrated process meets with the global. It particularly refers to standards ands protocols developed at the boundaries of the nation and globalisation.

Agents of Change

This category deals with the myriad agents of change in society, from vanguard groups and parties to factors that contribute to slower and less easily recognizable forms of change.

Integrative Process

This pages is to discuss the Mode of Regulation and its subcategories - Legal Framework; Redistribution Mechanisms; Self-Organization of Labour.

Leading Technologies

Lead Technologies and Transportion: following the concept of Freeman and Soete and Carlota Perez, there is always a lead technology, or usually a pairing of lead technologies, which occur together with specific innovations in the transport system.

Productive Process

This page is to discuss what the meta-category Productive Process and its subcategories mean.


This is the beginning of a Book on techno-political paradigm changes.
There are four meta-categories with sub-categories, which we are slowly going to fill with meanings, explanations, related bibliographies.

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