Kebap and Pizza Hut. From: Urban Traffickers Stories
Urban Traffickers - This is not a poem 1: Black Hats
A police man is taking notes at a busy crossroad
A man with a black hat is standing next to a cash mashine
Two men with black hats are seen walking through a park
A man with a black hat looks at another man with a black hat close to the entrance of the underground
A man with a black hat is sitting on an underground train with red seats and yellow railings
A police woman is taking notes at a major touristic site
The chief of police is said to be wearing a black hat in private
Five men with black hats have been seen near a busy crossing
Two young men with black hats have guitars slung around their backs
A young woman with a black hat is smoking a cigarette
A black man with a black hat is walking down a quiet lane
Within the space of an hour, 10 men with black hats have been seen near a major touristic site
A man with a black hat was seen near a swimming pool
A man is looking at a black hat in a shopping window
At a demonstration, black hats among a sea of hatless heads
A man with a black hat is receiving a parcel
A man with a blackhat is slowly walking through a rainy night
A rugged looking black hat on a coffee house table
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