taxi-to-praxi: invitation to join discussion

Dear All,

as a subscriber to The Next Layer website I would like to point your attention to the following topic and event:

On April 21st at Goldsmiths, Digital Studio, an experimental workshop will be held about practice-led PhDs. You find the full blurb below and on our homepage. This event is jointly organised by Adnan Hadzi of Deptford TV and me. We would like to invite you to join this discussion. Our blurb is very minimal and only scracthes the surface of many contentious issues related to practice led PhDs, research, new technologies and methodologies.

We have started this thread as a 'page' in Drupal lingo. A page is a static page with a fixed address and it offers most flexibility regarding things to be added. This means that this is also a good opportunity to test some of then many possibilities that have been added. Lets have a multi-threaded, multi-nodal, many-media to many-people discussion.

best regards
Armin, for Armin + Adnan

The Nextlayer Research Workshop

Taxi to Praxi (and back again)

This one day workshop "from taxi to praxi and back again" uncovers and
examines some of the challenges and opportunities faced when creative
artistic practice is undertaking research. Independent artists and
software developers have made more rapid advances than those working
within the more traditionally minded arts and humanities departments in

The challenge is now to find ways of re-embedding useful aspects of free
and open source methodologies in academic practice based arts and
technology research. How do we incorporate and negotiate research in
those areas of work which are strongly inter- and trans-disciplinary?
The aim of the workshop is to address and discuss some of the generic,
rather than discipline-specific, challenges of undertaking
practice-based research within academia.

The workshop will draw on open and collaborative (FLOSS) methodologies proposing and discussing a diverse range of taxonomies and practices
thus "from taxi to praxi and back again".

The event is part of the Disclosures project and the Spring Season 2008 of Node.London.

time and date: 21st of April 2008, from 11 am to 4 pm
place: Location: Ben Pimlott Building, Seminar Room, Digital Studios, Goldsmiths University of London