Geert Lovink's Blog
Hermes on the Hudson: Review of Excommunication
Here is my latest essay on the state of the art of internet culture, published in the e-flux Journal 04/14. It is also a review of the book by three New York media theorists that I knew well, McKenzie Wark, Eugene Thacker and Alex Galloway called Excommunication. In May 2014 we had a discussion about my piece and their book on the Empyre email discussion list.
Interview with Astra Taylor on her book The People’s Platform (Eurozine)
Astra Taylor
I wrote a short review as an intro to an email interview that I did with the documentary film maker Astra Taylor (USA) on her new book entitled The People’s Platform–Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age. The Webmagazine based in Vienna, Austria called Eurozine was interested to published the piece. Here it is. Enjoy. It is story of how a young female public intellectual became a ‘net critic’ and how she looks at the state of affairs in this growing but still marginal cultural field of criticism. How should we criticize Facebook and Google? Astra Taylor on why we need to position internet as a part of the ‘political economy of the media’.