
The Next Layer as a Medium for Practice-led Research


Taxi to Praxi
This text expands on some of the topics mentioned in the original call for participation for the taxi-to-praxi workshop. It explains some of the motivations and the general ideas behind the research day but is by now way a complete summary of all the topics we would like to address. Currently to this text have contributed Lindsay Brown, Adnan Hadzi and Armin Medosch. If you feel that you would like to add something, please feel free to rewrite this text or create a new one. To create a new revision, do the following: Once you are in the edit section with this article open, apply your changes and then go to the bottom and click "create new revision". You can also use the text field "Log Message" to explain your revisions.

Practice-led Outcome


Even though I was accepted onto the PhD programme with a Scholarship, in the Scottish practice-led PhD system it is usual for researchers in their first year to be classed as MPhil students with a transfer to PhD after one year. For this transfer to take place students have to make a presentation of their work, give a brief talk and write a paper of around 10,000 words. Next week I will present some of my practical work in a public setting, the details of which I’ve listed below. After this I will be concentrating on my transfer paper for which I have been given a six-month extension.

Subjects and Questions


For my Master of Fine Arts degree I started looking at the cross-over of interior and exterior landscapes. My initial investigations were done in quite a basic way, where I concerned myself with the sanitised representations of ‘man-made’ nature contained in domestic interior and exterior decoration, taking the separation of space provided by architecture for granted. The time-span that predominately interested me was from the 1750’s through to the Victorian age.

Object Scores


Art in Hospital was established in 1991 as a charitable and autonomous visual arts in healthcare organization, that worked within Greater Glasgow NHS to ‘bring the visual arts into the mainstream of the health service where it can be part of the service that a hospital can offer; that it is seen not as diversional therapy but as an artistic discipline in its own right.’ Graduate artists do not work as art therapists, but as artists.


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