drupaladmin's blog


New comment: As I have noted somewhere in these discussions, I propose that as a a starting point economic 'cycles' should have a strong role in periodisation, because without those, we are moving outside the Kondratieff framework. Periods would then be simply named after perceived leading technologies, they would represent 'paradigms' but what drives the transition from one to the other would be difficult to argue.

Ökonomische Verarmung und Verarmung der Subjektivität im Neoliberalismus


Dieser Text ist die deutsche Übersetzung des Vortragstextes Maurizio Lazzaratos bei der Creative Cities Konferenz am 31.3.2009 in Wien. Die Übersetzung stammt von Stefan Nowotny. In diesem Text argumentiert Maurizio Lazzarato, inwiefern die derzeitige Politik Frankreichs und der EU im Bereich der Creative Industries anti-produktiv ist.

/tmp/lab announces the second Hacker Space Festival


Hacker Space Festival 2009 | Call For Proposals | HSF2009

In 2008, we organized HSF[1] on the spot, as an ad-hoc meeting for
hackerspaces-related networks, technical and artistic research emerging
from them and social questionning arising from them. This sudden
experiment proved to be a huge success, as much as on the
self-organizing level as on the participants and meetings quality, as
well as the emotionally-charged ambient, the kind of which you make
fond memories.

Call for Papers: 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts


Riga based initiative e-text+textiles is pleased to announce that the 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts will take place in Riga in June 2010. Deadline for abstract submissions: 16 August 2009, slsa.2010@gmail.com

Creative Cities: Radio Stream


Das Programm Creative Cities, das Versprechen der kreativen Ökonomie, gestaltet von Ina Zwerger und Armin Medosch, in der ORF, Ö1 Sendung Radiokolleg, lief in der letzten Märzwoche 2009 und dient der Kontextualisierung der gleichnahmigen Konferenz. Sie finden hier die Links zu Streams mit den vier Sendungen.


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