In diesem Technopolitics Salon präsentierte Gerald Raunig in einem speziell für Technopolitics entwickeltem Vortrag Aspekte seines neuen Buchs Dividuum. Als Respondentin fungierteTechnik-Philosophin Mona Singer. Zahlreiche Besucherinnen beteiligten sich an einer angeregten Diskussion.
To discuss the conceptual outreach, the potentials, and the implications of the project, "Tracing Information Society, A Timeline", a round table discussion was held on November 19th, 7 pm at Kunstraum NOE. Tracing Information Society is the new project of the Technopolitics Working Group. The Technopolitics Working Group decided to engage in a material project that couples artistic as well as theoretical research and practice and initiated Tracing Information Society – A Timeline.
The coming Technopolitics meeting will happen on Thursday 27th of Fenbruary 2014. The meeting will be at the studio of Sylvia Eckermann and Gerald Nestler, Neulinggasse 9, 3. Bezirk, entrance from the street. We are beginning at 20 Uhr sharp. Please let us know if you will attend. Gerald Nestler will present his paper "Mayhem in Mawhaw. The Case of the Flash Crash; or, Forensic Reperformance In Deep Time".