
A piece of documentation about research work done

Renegade Inventors and Entrepreneur

Individuals who at particular times can beat the innovation system.

Vanguard Groups, Parties and Networks

Deliberate, idea driven, aesthetic, political and scientific-scholarly interventions by relatively small and disciplined groups.

Class, Gender and Ethnic Rights

Social movements, but also subcultural groups and communities involved in class and rights struggles and/or nursing divergent cultural values over the medium and long term which become particularly relevant during explosive moments.

Regional Blocks

The regional blocks are an important intermediate layer defining protocols.

Migratory Regimes

Norms, laws and technologies regulating the flows of people across sovereign borders.

Military Infrastructure and Strategies

Sovereign and Subaltern Military Strategies and the impact of military infrastructure on global protocols.

Trade law and liberalisation mechanisms

Expressed by institutions and conventions such as WTO, or MAI, or regional and bilateral mechanisms of securing liberalisation and managing on the level of abstract process, seemless flows.

Techno-scientific norms and standards

Technological standards such as TCP/IP, bodies such as the ITU, norms of air traffic, radio spectrum regulation, etc.

Monetary Dis-Order

Every period is characterised by a certain currency exchange regime and monetary regime. Examples would be the gold standard, fixed or floating exchange rates. Role of central banks and monetary policy and high-finance.

Core Values

Core values such as nationalism, enlightenment values, religion, work ethics or localisms.

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