Collaborative Panel Application

Hello Both

Although I do not feel that my work fits in in a day to day note-taking way here on TNL (the reader numbers on specific posts are testament to this), and thus (for this and other reasons) have withdrawn from major participation on TNL, I was intrigued Doll by your suggestion at making an application to this conference for a combined proposal/panel.
The non-face to face collaboration only works for me for short timescales and on specific projects, I cannot sustain screen only relationships with peers. This is (in this private forum) one of the main reasons that I have withdrawn and one of the reasons in my opinion that this site may fail without a core group... which I sincerely hope, particularly for Armin's sake, will not happen. If you are serious about this, then I would be interested in working toward an application if it stays within this forum for the time being. Armin I know I said I was withdrawing, but I am interested in working on specific projects with specific goals. The American partner to this conference is also interesting, but not so relevant to TNL... we are also too late for an application to that, although it would be an interesting conference to go to.

Hope you are both well




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a load of young cobblers

have u tried seaweed on garden b4? i havent, and im wonderinmg if it is necessary to wash it/soak it, to get rid of some of the salt?

sounds like ur supervisory mtgs are ab as frequent as mine -- in a way more regular mtgs could be helpful, becos i always get something out of them, even if its just recognition that i am doing this mainly invisible labour .. but also my supervisors suggest authors to me, and point out where my text has become too woolly or i am making generalisations or need to update empirical facts about events etc

as a part time student i reckon u (lindsay) cd benefit from even more frequent get togethers, even if its for a cup of kelp tea... to keep your momentum and mojo going

maybe each year has its own blues, and the supervisors just give each a name (sounds like they cd do with catchy sub-headings too, to give a flavour of the genre of blues each year brings)

i am not sure about this mysterious thing *they* call writing up. in a way i feel i havent written a thing for 3 years ..but as i trawl back thru all the folders for conferences and 'free writing' experiments and the lee marvin poetry nights and the boring doctoral assessment papers i discover that i have been "writing around" (is that like sleeping around?) for all of this time

i also have been writing loads of lists - most of which bear no resemblence to what eventuates

so i think the "writing up" in the final year/s is perhaps more of a "cobbling together" but that would sound "writing up" is used instead


ps witchy brews still aint working...but procrastination break today mite involve going back to the herbalist and buying other ingredients to mix with the skullcap

from kale grubs to kelp grubs

thanks for waking the dead! it looks good on the front page and a really interesting observation about the effects of study... we should have more of them. i am starting to think that i need some seaweed for my garden but am scared that i inadvertently encourage those slimy creatures that prefer beer to clematis... its so easy to avoid the Phd.

i've just had a supervisory meeting and the first one since december. i actually had to admit to suffering from the 'second year blues' , that because i am P/T, has actually lasted into the start of third year. this is starting to be behind me now, but it is just something that i've had to go through to re-assess and consolidate my study, and actually it is normal, hence the name. i cant begin to imagine what it must be like trying to write up, i'd be in my garden the whole time, placing domesticities rather unusually high up in my priority list. its really strange, we all do the same thing. i was at a project management workshop for art PhD at the end of feb, and domestic chores was one of the most popular avoidance techniques :-)

hope your witchy brew works tonight.
procrastinatingly yours

kale grubs

the grubs are eating my baby kale

meanwhile perhaps i was too careless with my phrasing dog!

i will summons zombie from its grave, and then praps your pic can get reposted/redate

for the distance-dialogue

o-for-that-cup-of-tea (today i bought skullcap and am excited to make a witchy brew tonight -- the longer i procrastinate with my writing the worse my fitful sleeps become)

doll X

the potential of both

the intention was not to be dog, but just a show of support and a variation of research that linked to your ideas from a distance... its a shame you did not leave it on the from page then we could have had both?


a grub second

me too!

an ps lindsay, sorry i tried taking zombie off the front page and in doing so it knocked ur beautiful image off the latest image section..but u can top my white zombie trash by going back to ur image and changing the date thingy down the bottom..making a blank date i think..then it becomes top dog

grubs collaboration (from a distance)

Good luck for your panel discussion at St Mary's today Armin, I hope it goes really, really well...

an uncommon collaboration by some grubs nibbling on TNL

Hiya Lindsay and Armin

Lindsay I also feel *my* work doesn't make an easy fit into TNL compared to what you and Armin and some others post, because your writings are well-argued and/or intrigueingly speculative whereas a lot of what i am putting up is more rambly and thought processes scrawled as they come to me, as i am afraid that if i dont write everything, and repeat my ideas in different ways within the 1 text a number of times, i will lose what few idea kernels that i have in the thesis fog that surrounds me

but, having said this, i STILL post here, rather than a list like nettime, because here is small and intimate, like a much loved coffee-shop that has old 1960s posters of greece on its walls

i LIKE the fact that many posts are not read by many, because ideas enjoy the stealth and the anonymity at times... they don't always want to be deeply scrutinised whilst still young and vulnerable little grubs... pre-butterfly

i thought a combined panel could be a nice way to get us all together in the all-important face-to-face space that we yearn for in our towers of solitude

and the conference theme could be explored in so many ways..

TNL does seem like a fabric/texture in process, and if there ever was a pattern perhaps it's been lost and now we are all working on our bits semi-blindly but with an awareness of the other stitchers out there

i havent read any of the suggested philosophical starting points (altho i have a gd friend who is heavily into deleuze's fold ... but if we decided to play with something there wd be so many ways to go .. 1 dea - each choose an artist or writer or philosopher or historical figure or .. to use as a lense to reflect upon the fabric of TNL... many ways to approach it..

i am also well over the distance collaborations unless at some moment the distance can be broken by the materialising in the same space/time - yes's refreshing to see these sort of events, i generally only hear of media arts things and they self-promote usually in really boring ways.. like the outcomes and the main players in the ghetto are already decided upon

yours in a path to well-ness!
