Ignacio Nieto's blog

Free Mesh Networks. Two Cases from Chile

Valparaiso Mesh 01

This article starts with a short introduction to free networks, followed by a summary about free networks in Latin America. The article then tells in more detail the story of two attempts at making free networks in Chile, in both cases linking the idea of free networks with specific artistic and socially engaged goals, reports Ignacio Nieto, who has been involved in both projects.

Article that appear in an Electronic Newspaper about Elektra a Valpo Mesh. Spanish Only

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Filósofa y activista alemana Elektra Wagenrad realiza laboratorio de redes libres en Valparaíso
La filósofa del “no-pensamiento” está de visita en Valparaíso participando en el 2º Encuentro de Cultura Digital a través de la realización del Laboratorio de Redes Libres con el apoyo del Área de Nuevos Medios del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes. El taller se realizará este lunes 24 de noviembre a las 12:00 horas en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Valparaíso.

Interview with Elektra 1. By Valeria Viancos

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This is an Interview made by Viviana Viancos with Corinna "Elektra" Aichele, before she made a presentation in Espacio G. The photo is moment of her presentation on November 15th in Espacio G, Valparaíso, Chile.

Viviana Viancos: 1. How will be your participation in the 2nd Digital Culture Meeting? Can you describe it?

Valparaiso Mesh


Thanks Armin to give me an space here. My name is Ignacio Nieto and with some friends Mauricio Roman, Elektra and Daniel TIrado start to build a second version of the Valpo Mesh, a network re-build on the city of Valparaiso, up on the hills where were a fire burn part of the city on April 2014. Im curiuos with the idea of the network used on a neighborhood full of needs, starting from water. The rebuild of the network will be detail documented by texts and images and probably with a qualitive research will be done.

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