+ Get a group of new media practitioners together that want to get involved in organising an open network for new media practitioners.
+ Decide if core group will make a funding application
+ Draft up your aims + put it on line with wiki interface
+ Publicise regular open meetings to relevant networks + potential partners
+ Always have a different chairperson at each meeting
+ Recruit Voluntary Organisers (those that want to organise)
+ Recruit Subscribers (those that do not want to organise, but still want to take part)
+ Encourage free exchange of facilities and equipment for ‘the cause’
+ Develop critical mass + carry out action points
+ Minute all meetings and put on line + continue discussions on Wiki
+ Decide on dates and duration for the season of NODE.L (inz)
+ Hold separate meetings for Voluntary Organisers and Subscribers
+ Recruit more VO’s and Subscribers to extend the network
+ Form voluntary subgroups of VO’s to be responsible for areas of activity
+ Ask VO subgroups to report back on developments
+ Form Seed Nodes (venues that will host events during the season of activity)
+ Give deadline for projects proposals and assistance in developing them
+ Develop public web interface where subscribers input their own information
+ Design + distribute publicity
+ Launch NODE.L(inz)
SCAN.fm EMILY DRUIFF 20.09.06.
Independent Curator of Participatory Practice + Public Art
Voluntary Organiser NODE.L 2006
Producer of SCAN.fm for NODE.L 2006
Interests: Participatory Practice, Artist-run Spaces, Open Structures for
Self-Organisation, Public Space, New-Media.
Participatory Practice
Curator of In the Event of Emergency, a series of residencies at Dilston Grove, London, where selected artist engaged in participatory practice worked and lived for one week without the need for a proposal.
Artist-run Space
Co-founder of Area 10, an artist-run project space in Peckham, London that was started on the basis of a collectively run space with an open submission policy.
Open Structures for Self-Organisation
Member of University of Openness, Faculty of Collaborative Research, an online collaborative learning facility using interactive online programme called wiki where users can freely input information.
Organiser of Relay, online research into collective spaces.
Participatory Public Art and New Media
Power Point presentation focusing on its partnership with NODE.L, Leaside Regeneration and ART.e.
One of the
main aims of NODE.L was to "network an open and distributed
practice" .
This was achieved by reaching several audiences.
1) Existing new Media Practitioners
2) Mainstream Art Audiences
3) Targeted Community Groups
1) Existing new media practitioners
appeared to the primary audiences that were reached through NODE.L. This
could be seen through projects held at venues such as Space Studios,
Watermans, HTTP and Event. Importantly this acted to strengthen and
consolidate a potentially disparate community of practitioners. It
directly assisted in increasing the momentum of new media practice in
London and its identification as a valuable practice not only to itself,
but also to mainstream art audiences. These beneficiaries should remain
a priority, however it should be recognised that reaching these
audiences does not result in achieving funding for future developments.
2) Mainstream Art Audiences appeared to be a secondary concern for NODE.L, however in the same breath they were not ostracised from the agenda. This appeared to be most successfully achieved through Educational partnerships in Higher Education and public Institutions. This could be seen through projects realised in partnership with venues such as Chelsea School of Art and Tate Britain; Ravensbourne School of Art and the Dana Centre. This demonstrates how However it was criticised ass impenetrable
3) Targeted Community
Groups were a
priority audience for some individual projects realised in partnership
with NODE.L and other organisations. These audiences were reached by a
small percentage of projects that were organised by independent curators
in partnership with Local Authorities, Voluntary Sector Organisations,
Non Govermental Organisation. This is a potential area of growth away
from reliance on art funding.
As a Voluntary Organiser for
NODE.L(ondon) 2006 I will be holding a workshop focusing on tools that
will help groups in Linz to create a NODE.L(inz). To do this I will
focus on a Tool Kit. This will consist of printed handouts explaining
methods used to adopt open structures for self-organisation and
participation that were by NODE.L in 2005 / 2006. I will then assist in
the practical application of this Tool Kit by discussing the audiences
reached by NODE.L and how to reach similar ones in Linz. So please do
attend the workshop 21.09.06 atÉÉ
Emily Druiff (artist, organizer NODE.L)
Vortrag Mi. 20.September, 19h KunstRaum Goethestrasse Goethestrasse 22 4020 Linz-Urfahr Wegbeschreibung unter: Details Workshop Mi. 20.September, 19h Stadtwerkstatt Kirchengasse 4 4040 Linz Wegbeschreibung unter: Details |
Lecture Wed. 20 September , 7:00 pm KunstRaum Goethestrasse Goethestrasse 22 4020 Linz-Urfahr location: Details Workshop Thurs., 20 September , 7:00 pm Stadtwerkstatt Kirchengasse 4 4040 Linz location: Details |
Unter dem Label NODE.L [Networked, Open, Distributed, Events. London] hat sich in London ein Netzwerk entwickelt, das neue – über einzelne Projekte und Institutionen hinausreichende – Möglichkeiten der Präsentation und Vermittlung von Medienkunst und -kultur erprobt.
+ Was waren die Ausgangskonzepte?
+ Welche Erfahrungen wurden gemacht?
+ Welche zukünftigen Perspektiven gibt es?
+ Und welche Anregungen kann NODE.L für Linz bieten?
* * * * * *
NODE.L [Networked, Open, Distributed, Events. London] is a new London based platform which – by interconnecting people, projects and institutions – explores new collaborative ways of creating, presenting and communicating media art and culture.
+ What were the initial concepts? Which experiences have been made?
+ What are the perspectives for the future?
+ These and other questions will be posed in the series of lectures
+ NODE.London meets nodes in LINZ