The Next Layer - Habermas http://tnl-6.local/taxonomy/term/548/0 en-US The Decline of the Public Sphere http://tnl-6.local/node/113 <p>In <i>The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere</i> Jürgen Habermas (1962/1990) gives a historic account of the formation of the public sphere and its decline. There he argues that in the feudal system, while public events did happen, they were merely of a representational character. Everybody was present, but in a representational capacity only, there was no public discourse, no difference of opinion was allowed and all actual power was centralized in the institution of the souvereign/monarch. The events of public life followed a strict ceremonial protocol.</p> <p><a href="http://tnl-6.local/node/113" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://tnl-6.local/node/113#comments English Waves democracy electromagnetic free speech Habermas media participation public sphere Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:56:37 +0000 Armin Medosch 113 at http://tnl-6.local