The Next Layer - Abstract for Prix Ars Electronica http://tnl-6.local/taxonomy/term/138/0 en-US On the radicalization of political discourse: (Counter-)Hegemony in the age of the New Media http://tnl-6.local/node/165 <p>Now that we are at “the end of history” (Fukuyama) political theory is in serious crisis. Bourgeois hegemony refuses to allow any alternatives that are not already within the capitalistic framework. At this point, the question for counterstrategies seems contradictory. Therefore, the conditions allowing for the possibility of such strategies must be created out at the meta-theoretical level. The focus must be on creating a new definition between the public and private, between the (repressive) state apparatus and the underlying civil society.</p> <p><a href="http://tnl-6.local/node/165" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://tnl-6.local/node/165#comments Deutsch Research Abstract for Prix Ars Electronica Fri, 19 Oct 2007 20:27:40 +0000 Clemens Apprich 165 at http://tnl-6.local