The Next Layer - Brecht http://tnl-6.local/taxonomy/term/101/0 en-US The Participatory Media Paradigm http://tnl-6.local/node/112 <p>With an accute sense of urgency the leftwing playwright Bertolt Brecht and the media theorist Walter Benjamin tried to formulate an emancipatory and anti-fascist artistic theory and practice. When fascism, according to Benjamin, amounted to an aestheticisation of politics, revolutionary communism was engaged in the politicisation of the arts.<a class="see-footnote" id="footnoteref1_dchrdrj" title="Ibid, p. 44, my translation." href="#footnote1_dchrdrj">1</a> Brecht and Benjamin (and also some of the Russian Futurists) mark the starting point of a participative paradigm in art which aims at using technical media in an emancipatory way.</p> <ul class="footnotes"> <li class="footnote" id="footnote1_dchrdrj"><a class="footnote-label" href="#footnoteref1_dchrdrj">1.</a> Ibid, p. 44, my translation.</li> </ul> <p><a href="http://tnl-6.local/node/112" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://tnl-6.local/node/112#comments English Waves Benjamin Brecht electromagnetic Waves Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:50:23 +0000 Armin Medosch 112 at http://tnl-6.local Concepts of Media History http://tnl-6.local/node/107 <p>As the political philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis pointed out, the concepts of history that exist are amazingly poor <a class="see-footnote" id="footnoteref1_nj6o81m" title="285-363." href="#footnote1_nj6o81m">1</a>. There are those historians who focus on big events, big personalities, tyrants, revolutions and intermediate periods of peace. In their accounts there is no logic, no structure. History consists of a series of more or less random events in which identifiable individuals play an important role. This is illustrated best by Bertolt Brecht's short poem where he wrote: "Caesar beat the Gauls.</p> <ul class="footnotes"> <li class="footnote" id="footnote1_nj6o81m"><a class="footnote-label" href="#footnoteref1_nj6o81m">1.</a> <a href="/biblio/author/2" class="biblio-local-author">Castoriadis C</a>.&nbsp;<br /> 1997.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/node/121">Gesellschaft als imaginäre Institution</a>. Gesellschaft als imaginäre Institution. :285-363.</li> </ul> <p><a href="http://tnl-6.local/node/107" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://tnl-6.local/node/107#comments English Waves Brecht Castoriadis media history Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:05:29 +0000 Armin Medosch 107 at http://tnl-6.local