Groups http://tnl-6.local/og/all/feed?title_oper=contains&title= en-US Technopolitics http://tnl-6.local/node/1199 <div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> research group about technopolitics and change </div> <p>We propose to develop a cooperative, open-content research format that will facilitate a detailed theoretical debate on the historical relations between technological and political transformations, culminating in studies of the present crisis of "informationalism" or the "network society." Building on existing concepts of the technological paradigm, we seek to enlarge the current horizons of research by establishing a chronological framework to track developments in the arts and the communications media as well as changing patterns of consumption, circulation, self-organization and political m</p> <p><a href="http://tnl-6.local/node/1199" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://tnl-6.local/node/1199#comments Fri, 21 Aug 2009 14:20:30 +0000 admin 1199 at http://tnl-6.local Uncommons http://tnl-6.local/node/592 <div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> a space to throw around ideas for TNL slogan and other stuff </div> <p>how to encapsulate the beauty and strangeness of The Next Layer in just a few words and symmetrically formatted.</p> http://tnl-6.local/node/592#comments Fri, 18 Jul 2008 13:18:41 +0000 doll_yoko 592 at http://tnl-6.local Peer Preview Group http://tnl-6.local/node/590 <div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> Working group for PhD development </div> <p>The Peer Preview group is a working group dedicated to the advancement of research by preeviewing research outline papers and chapter drafts in an early stadium.</p> http://tnl-6.local/node/590#comments Fri, 18 Jul 2008 09:13:13 +0000 Armin Medosch 590 at http://tnl-6.local Node London Reader 2008 Working Group http://tnl-6.local/node/574 <div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> Homepage of Working Group for Node London Reader 2008 </div> <p>Node London 2008 Work Group Mission Statement</p> <p>Image: Example</p> http://tnl-6.local/node/574#comments Node.L decentral non-hierarchic open open congress openness Mon, 30 Jun 2008 12:50:30 +0000 admin 574 at http://tnl-6.local