The Technological Unconscious and Digital Art (Istanbul lecture)


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Armin Medosch, Lecture at "Histories of the Post-Digital"

In this talk I presented the beginning of new research based on the notion of the technological unconscious in relation to early computer art. The lecture draws on research conducted in the context of my PhD on the New Tendencies movement and network, and further research in related areas done since then. The presentation was part of the Saturday seminars held in the context of the exhibition "Histories of the Post-digital", curated by Ekmel Ertan and Darko Fritz.

Art Fields Kunstfelder 1


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Martin Howse, Earth Computer (2014)

Kunst Felder. Wilde Ontologien im Dienst der Aktivierung der Geschichte“, Teil 1 Ein von mir kuratiertes, zweiteiliges Programm mit Künstler_innen aus der Ausstellung Fields, ergänzt durch meinen radiophonen Essay Kunstfelder. Kunstfelder ist, by the way, meine erste Radiokunstarbeit seit 1997. Ich widme diese Arbeit Daniel Gilfillan der ein wirklich großartiges BUch über Radiokunst geschrieben hat, mit einem ausgezeichnetem Kapitel über Radio Subcom.

Technopolitics Salon @ Vienna Open


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Technopolitics Salon @ Vienna Open

Bild, von links nach rechts: Gerald Nestler, Jutta Weber, Felix Stalder, Armin Medosch

Immer mehr Bereiche der menschlichen Kultur werden von technologischen Entwicklungen erfasst, die man der Automatisierung zurechnen kann. Die Technowissenschaften haben ein Niveau erreicht, das es ihnen ermöglicht, Natur nicht nur zu erforschen oder zu verstehen, sondern aktiv zu gestalten. Der Salon Technopolitics machte die post-anthropologische Kondition zum Thema, am 18.Oktober 2014 im Rahmen von Vienna Open.

Keynote Speech: The Broken Mirror


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Fields, Keynote lecture, Armin Medosch

This is the text of my keynote lecture for the Fields exhibition, as delivered on Friday 16th of May 2014 - The Broken Mirror, Art after the dreamworld of digital utopia. Starting from the premise that the financial crisis of 2008 made only visible a deeper, structural crisis of information society, the exhibition Fields was conceived as a survey into possibilities of renewal through art. Art used to be understood as a mirror of society. Then, in the twentieth century, media became the preferred mirror of mass society.

Radiokolleg - Die große Transformation

Anlässlich des 50. Todestags von Karl Polanyi am 23. April 1964 und des siebzigsten Jubiläums des Erscheinens seines Buches The Great Transformation - the Origins of Our Time (1944) wird ein dreiteiliges Radiokolleg ausgestrahlt, gestaltet von Armin Medosch.

In The Great Transfdormation untersuchte Polanyi, inwiefern der extreme Glaube an Laissez-faire letztlich zu den Katastrophen des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts und damit zum Ende der liberalen Marktgesellschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts führte.

Fields - patterns of social, scientific, and technological transformations


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The exhibition "Fields - patterns of social, scientific, and technological transformations" will open on May 15th at Arsenals Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art. FIELDS, jointly curated by Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits and Armin Medosch will show work by app. 40 artists and is part of Riga 2014, European Capital of Culture. You find the full announcement and press release below.

Armin Medosch speaking at "Postwar — Art between the Pacific and the Atlantic, 1945-1965"


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It is my pleasure to announce that I will present my paper Non-Aligned Modernism - the international network and art movement New Tendencies (first phase, 1961-1965) at the Postwar conference in Munich in May. My paper was submitted in response to an open call and got selected. You find the press release of Haus der Kunst below.


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